VirtualBox 2.0.4 vs Virtual PC 2007 SP1

I’m a big fan of virtualization, possibly because I can not afford a machine for every operating system I want to try. Possibly because I’ve been know to acquire questionable files on the net, and don’t really want any viruses. Maybe I like it because there’s just something cool about running four operating systems on one machine. I don’t know, but I really do like it: just no enough to pay for it....

November 9, 2008 · 3 min · Andrew D. Anderson

How-to: download trials of Adobe CS4 products TODAY

I have a mild obsession with new software, and Adobe just released Creative Suite 4 a few days ago. Naturally, I wanted to give it a go. I searched the torrents, and only found pre-releases. A few Google searches left me disappointed, saying that Adobe didn’t plan on releasing trials of its new products until sometime in November. Then, I stumbled on this page: that gave me a tip. It was just a bit off…...

October 18, 2008 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson

Software stuff

So, I just downloaded OpenOffice 2.2 Rc3. I opened up a few papers I had written for my classes this quarter…and they were all about one page shorter! Really. Ok, so what happened is that OpenOffice apparently made the text look more clean in this version… I guess it is. As a result, my double spacing doesn’t take up as much room. End result: same text, fewer pages. Now, if I were a bum of a college student (which is tempting), I’d stay with 2....

March 9, 2007 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson