somethings sacred

idyllic statues, grandiose encourage wonder to draw close in some remote temple stare at mirages, however, fair actualizations hardly theorized all potential there unrealized a beacon for, well, just the two journeyed by and could not eschew weary drifters they came to see how everything there ought to be perceived in awe the tailored art renewed their will to impart what they want, what they will of course the statues remain still...

January 20, 2010 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson

shoe-more, shoe-less

I reached for gray, but withdrew wanted laces, but just a few the orange pair was fine, but matched no style of mine, black leather, khaki plaid, muted blue too many options for a god-damn shoe massaging insoles, ventilated sides, advanced synthetic or traditional cow hides? blinking lights, open-ended or enclosed, who on earth, all these variations, proposed? I can’t wear blue, I’m feeling sad… risqué red, on a man, just looks bad…...

January 12, 2010 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson

i l... you

On the verge of self discovery it seemed immenent until she appeared i became lost in lust immediatly my life was no longer mine

January 1, 2010 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson

The “Real” University of Chicago

Every year that I’ve been at the UofC we get these lame letters asking us to relate our life and experience at the University to donors or prospective students. I don’t ever participate, as I’m sure that my statements would be heavily censored. Institutionalized education is a big racket; that’s true everywhere – its just more miserable here. If life is misery, then they do well to prepare you at the UofC....

November 21, 2009 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson

post graduation, and the roads less traveled

I’m not sure that it is very reassuring as an indication of career prospects, but that depends greatly on perspective. What I am sure of is that it raises some very important questions. Read: it’s worth the time, in my opinion. Specifically, I think that the Subject hits a few ideas right on the head. Most importantly, to me: “Too often,” he declares, “the defenders of free markets forget that what we really want is free men....

November 10, 2009 · 2 min · Andrew D. Anderson

ubuntu & openoffice spanish spell check

It’s very handy to be able to spell-check your Spanish homework, and OpenOffice lets you do just that. To get it working, first you need to install the Spanish lanaguae dictionaries by running: sudo apt-get install myspell-es Then, in your document, just go to Tools > Language and pick Spanish for the line, paragraph, or all text – if you don’t see Spanish as an option, then click “more” and change the default language for the document....

October 20, 2009 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson

the best metric for quantifying bread savings…

…or, alternatively, Why I Don’t Buy Cheap Bread. For whatever reason, you’re on a mission to be frugal. You can’t NOT buy food, so you head on over to your local discount grocer. You proceed to buy grits, powdered milk, cheap hotdogs and then you reach for the cheap bread… Ah, but should you? Well, you inspect the little tag with the price and then you probably notice two things 1) the squishy white enriched bread is cheaper and 2) the price per ounce is closer than you might have thought – possibly even in favor of the more expensive loaf....

October 13, 2009 · 2 min · Andrew D. Anderson

Strange Results of Deductive Logic

So, I’m back in Chicago. Back in classes. Spanish is going well and Logic is quite fun. I was just sitting around thinking about the strange interpretation of if… then statements. In logic, they’re only ever false if the “if” part is true and the “then” part is false. For instance – imagine taking a business to court because they won’t refund your money despite the fact that they sold you inferior products and have the slogan :...

October 10, 2009 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson

It’s Done

Well, it took all summer, but it’s finally finished. The entire site has the same look. On to other news – the final year of school starts… today. I’ll be writing more. I’ve got plenty of plans for the next two years.

September 29, 2009 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson

multiple servers, one gui machine

For some reason I consistently forget how to do this… so I’m jotting it down. You can manage all your machines with an X11 gui from one machine via ssh forwarding. First, jump into a terminal using ctrl+alt+Fx (where x= 1-6 on ubuntu). Start a new X client session using xinit — : x vtX (where x = a number > 0 that is not already in use for an x display, and X equals 11 or 12… this allows you to switch to the new gui using ctr+alt+X)...

August 5, 2009 · 1 min · Andrew D. Anderson