The technology was pioneered by some new-age scientist almost a century ago. The world hasn’t been the same since. What he discovered how to do was nothing short of revolutionary for the time; it changed the way people thought about mortality, morality, and the soul. It completely reinvented penal systems around the world – for the first time in the history of man and prison, consecutive life sentences actually meant something…
What the man had discovered was how to verify the existence of a soul, further, how to identify a specific soul. His machine was based on fancy mathematics, but at it’s core it was nothing more than an energy interpreter. It could analyze the frequencies at which energy resonated and then output a unique hash associated with the measured frequencies. Originally developed to prevent material fraud, the startling discovery came when the device was brought into a meditation hall. Out-of-body experiences were being professed, and to the dismay and astonishment of so many in the scientific community, eventually confirmed by this energy analyzing machine.
Applications for the device grew exponentially. It was used to verify identities, hunt for ghosts, shed light on the state of comatose medical patients, and eventually even to verify the phenomena of reincarnation. The last move is what had serious repercussions for the penal system….