So, there goes another year. I’ve arrived at my twenty-fifth year of existence now, and in my optimistic mind this means that I’m about a quarter done with this procession called life. Seventy-five years seems like an awfully long time to continue wandering about, doesn’t it? That is, after all, mostly what I’ve been doing thus far – wandering. Wandering and wondering. Wandering through the present and wondering about the future. Once again, the future has met me here at the present – and left me to wonder about when we’ll meet next.
Well, now, where is the substance? Of what do I wonder… and where do I wander? Yes, I shall tend to all of that directly.
The past year I’ve spent mostly in the Midwestern Unites States. When I’m “home” I find myself surrounded by poultry, a cow, and a cat on a plot of twenty acres. On said plot, there is a farm house that is perpetually subject to renovations. It’s not fancy, but it is spacious and deeply comfortable (aside from when the box-elder bugs swarm the area). Its the embodiment of a relaxed existence. All the creatures that surround me are constant reminders that life is fundamentally about staving off hunger and taking naps. I wonder how long I’ll be able to enjoy it there.
I’ve spent most of my “vacation” time this past year with my Grandparents on both sides of the family tree. You see, Grandparents are wonderful – they allow you to look into the past and the future all at the same time. At once you see what awaits you in fifty years and hear stories of life fifty years ago. I enjoy my Grandparents immensely, and I often wonder how much time I have left to spend with them.
Most of my wandering about the USA is undeniably in an attempt to accumulate wealth. I wonder when I shall decide that I have enough and stop wandering quite so often.
The more I wander about this world of humans, the more I wonder just how I ended up here anyway. I wonder about how I shall depart from this place. I wonder at right now. I wonder at life.
Here’s to seventy-five more years of wonder.